Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Collab Project Reflection Essay

Cliff Jones

What is art and who decides it?

When I was introduced with the assignment we would be doing for the next few days it was somewhat confusing to me. Previously we had been working on our own individual work, drawing or painting realistic images, and now our work would be made up of many other pieces that were done by others. After the first day though, I really liked the idea for this project because it allowed us to collaborate with others and in the end it made our shows unique and interesting to look at.

One major discovery I made was that I had to use my imagination when designing my ten pieces because they could not have meaning to them. This was hard at first but after I got going I really let my mind flow and it brought out my creative way of thinking which was reflected in my artwork.

After completing this assignment I think it was probably the most important one we have done all year. It was significant because it allowed all of us to stop worrying about how perfect our work is and instead taught us to work quickly and make important decisions on the fly. In the end the shows were unique and bright with colors due to the fast pace we had to keep up with and the collaboration of works from different people.

This project really gave art a whole new meaning to me. Even though these shows have many other people’s artwork in them, we combined them into one piece and it is still considered art. Art then can be decided upon be any one, as we all have different opinions, and anything that was created with an endless amount of different materials that has originality is to be considered artwork. This investigation will allow me to approach each assignment with an open mind and allow myself not to get caught up in every little detail but rather create and original piece of artwork that is unique to me.

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